Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Bridge Mountain arch in Zion National Park.

Joe Braun rapelling down the chimney of Bridge Mountain in Zion National Park.

Bo Beck climbing the chimney of Bridge Mountain in Zion National Park.

Bridge Mountain - Zion National Park

Here are a couple of photos of the hike. The first is Bo Beck climbing the chimney and taking the rope up for those of us that are less skilled in climbing and the next is the brige itself. The mountain is often also called Crawford Mountain and the arch, Crawford Arch.

Tanya in Behunin Canyon in Zion National Park.

Zion National Park

The weather warmed up and I got busy, but I am still out pounding the trails every week. Since my last post my hiking partner Bo Beck and I have gone Canyoneering in Behunin Canyon in Zion National Park, we have hiked to Bridge Mountain In Zion and we did a 20 mile hike from the East Rim Trail in Zion, to Cable Mountain, Deer Trap Mountain and ended at the Weeping Rock parking lot. The hikes were outstanding and I promise posts and pics to come!